Thursday 16 January 2014

Studio Portraits Evaluation

Candice Keenan

Photographers I researched
The photographers I looked at were Cecil Beaton, Rankin, Guy Bourdin, Edward Steichen, Erwin Blumenfeld, Malick Sidibe, Thomas Ruff, Andres Serrano, Richard Avedon, Platon, Jill Greenberg, Nadar, David Bailey, Irving Penn, Robert Mapplethorpe, Rineke Dijkstra, Steve Pyke, Terry Richardson, Tim Walker, Wolfgang Tillmans, Juergen Teller and Nick Knight. I also looked at the models Kate Moss and Heidi Klum and the singer Sophie Ellis Bexter, and the magazines Vogue and Bazzar I looked at kids photography, women's and men's photography and I also watched 7 Images that Changed Fashion Photography.
The camera I used to do my photographs
The camera I used to do my images was a Nikon SLR Camera.
My idea behind my images
The idea for my images was See No Evil Hear No Evil Speak No Evil I came up with the idea myself because I wanted to do something different with my portraits instead of doing the same as everyone else.  
Photographer behind my idea
The photographer behind my idea was Terry Richardson because he has done a similar thing with some of his portrait photos were he asks the the model to pose with their hands over their ears or eyes and mouth and looks straight at the camera.
Problems with my photographs
I lost my SD Card over the Christmas Holidays and I had to wait till I got back to uni and get them again to send them off to get printed.
Why I like my photographs
I like my photographs because they are different from everyone else's and unique.

Nick Knight

I looked at the photographer Nick Knight he is a British Fashion photographer documentary photographer and web designer his portraits are very much in your face and very dramatic.

Juergen Teller

I looked at the photographer Juergen Teller he is a fashion photographer who also does portrait pictures of men and women.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Wolfgang Tillmans

I looked at the photographer Wolfgang Tillmans he is an English photographer his portrait photos are either inside or outside. He has also done some explicit portraits as well.

Tim Walker

I looked at the photographer Tim Walker he is a Fashion photographer who does Fantasy fashion portrait photographs.

Terry Richardson

I looked at the photographer Terry Richardson he is an American photographer who has done portraits of Miley Cirus, Lana Del Ray and Cara Delevingne his portraits are very simple stood against a white wall and a light.

Steve Pyke

I looked at the photographer Steve Pyke he takes portraits of some famous people but mainly of the older generation.

Rineke Dijkstra

I looked at the photographer Rineke Dijkstra she has done portraits of mothers and baby's just after the baby was born she has also done portraits of matadors after they have been in the pit with the bull and they are bruised and bloody.

Robert Mapplethorpe

I looked at the photographer Robert Mapplethorpe he is an American photographer he has done portraits of himself with different props and other people his photos where mainly black and white.

Irving Penn

I looked at the photographer Irving Penn he has done portraits and fashion photographs he has took photos of the president, actors, actresses, musicians and artists he has also done simple portraits of peoples faces.